Airport Contractors

If you’re in need of someone to help with office refurbishment, building maintenance, general building works, ceiling replacement, electrical works, painting and decorating , carpentry, plumbing, project management, in an airport setting, then it’s important to use a qualified, specialist airport contractor. You may wonder why it’s important to use an experienced airport contractor as opposed to the building or facilities contractors you’re used to using. The reasons for doing this are numerous, and this article aims to outline just a few.

Working inside and around and airport is without doubt a different task to standard contracted work, and requires the use of specialist airport contractors that understand both the industry and protocols put in place, and also legislation and the governmental procedures and regulation that define the nuts and bolts of the industry. A number of things characterise contracted work within the airport facilities industry, one being the capability for flexibility and rapid response. As many of us know, the airport environment can change very quickly with the development of safety or security risks, and need to be capable of reacting fast to situations particularly if it results in a loss of service for the airline of airport. This is one reason why experience is absolutely key, as an airport contractor with well-established connections and an understanding the security and safety procedures can work quicker and assure a higher quality job.

As previously mentioned, the airport industry operates on very strict protocols and regulations, which must be well-understood and taken into account by airport contractors embarking on any work in or around the airport. CHAS – The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme – is an awarding body dedicated to rewarding and assessing health and safety practises in the workplace. All airport contractors should be CHAS accredited to signify that they are capable and able to implement correct health and safety procedures in the airport environment.

In addition to the CHAS accreditation, airport contractors should also be airside and fast-track approved. This means that the contractors are able to work in ‘airside’ areas, which means past security and into the departure lounge and other such airside areas. Fast-track security passes enable a contractor to through to airside quicker than a standard traveller, and enables them to use the Fast Track security passenger channel.


MARCO Airport Facilities Ltd are a highly experienced airport contractors particularly for Gatwick and Heathrow airports.


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